By Will Adams
Paperback 560 pages
Publisher HarperCollins; First Thus edition (3rd Nov 2008)
ISBN-13 978-0007250882
ISBN-13 978-0007250882
The Exodus Quest is the only Will Adams book I have read. I found the plot extremely confusing, jumping around from one location to another, and there were so many different characters I lost track of who was who and in the end I didn't really care! The author had obviously done his research but presented it to the reader in long, boring dialogues. The final few chapters couldn't come soon enough.
Barnsey's Books Rating ⭐⭐
📗The Blurb
Fact collides with fiction in Will Adams second pulse-pounding adventure featuring the enigmatic Daniel Knox. On the trail of a Dead Sea Scroll, Knox stumbles across an ancient temple being surreptitiously excavated by evangelical Christians outside Alexandria. A chase ends in tragedy with the death of Alexandria's senior archaeologist, and Knox the chief suspect.
Fact collides with fiction in Will Adams second pulse-pounding adventure featuring the enigmatic Daniel Knox. On the trail of a Dead Sea Scroll, Knox stumbles across an ancient temple being surreptitiously excavated by evangelical Christians outside Alexandria. A chase ends in tragedy with the death of Alexandria's senior archaeologist, and Knox the chief suspect.
Meanwhile, Knox's partner Gaille Bonnard is baby-sitting a television crew around the ancient city of Amarna, home of the multiple mysteries of Pharaoh Akhenaten. Kidnapped by rogue soldiers, her time fast running out, she sends Knox a message hidden in a hostage video, pleading with him to come to her rescue. But Knox has problems of his own, under arrest on suspicion of murder, locked in a police cell half a country away. And the only way for him to find and save her is to crack one of the great unsolved mysteries of the ancient world.
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