09 January 2020

Strongman: My Story

Photo of the book cover of Strongman: My Story by Eddie 'The Beast' Hall

By Eddie 'The Beast' Hall

Hardcover 320 pages
Publisher Virgin Books (19th Oct 2017)

📕My Review

Having been a fan of strongman competitions, particularly the World's Strongest Man, for many years, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to read the autobiography of Britain's own World's Strongest Man 2017, Eddie 'The Beast' Hall.

In Strongman: My Story, Eddie talks openly and honestly about his humble beginnings in Stoke-on-Trent. He freely admits to being a teenage tearaway who, had it not been for his sheer determination, hard graft and ego the size of Mt. Everest, would have ended up with a very different life indeed (most likely involving police custody and the inside of a cell!). 

What comes across strongly is Eddie's love for his family and their personal sacrifices. Yes, this guy is totally focused and driven — failure is not in Eddie's vocabulary. But achieving his ultimate goal of becoming the World's Strongest Man was largely due to the love, support and belief of his family.

Eddie tells his story candidly and pulls no punches. He's the real deal. He set a goal to win the World's Strongest Man title and that's exactly what he did. His unswerving self-belief and perseverance are undoubtedly the two major driving forces in his life.

Eddie, if you read this, you're my hero!           

Book Source: Purchased copy
Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐

📗The Blurb

Eddie ‘The Beast’ Hall is the first Brit in 24 years to win the World’s Strongest Man competition, beating The Mountain from Game of Thrones.

Everything about Eddie is huge. Standing at 6’3 he weighs almost 30 stone, and to make it through his hellish four-hour gym sessions he needs to eat a minimum of 10,000 calories a day. He eats a raw steak during weight sessions. His right eyeball once burst out of its socket under the strain. He put it back in.

In his remarkable autobiography, Eddie takes you inside the world of the professional strongman – the nutrition, the training and competitions themselves. This is a visceral story of sporting achievement, an athlete pushing himself to the limits, and the personal journey of a man on the path to becoming being the best of the best.

Contains strong language.

 ðŸ“˜The Author

Photo of Eddie 'The Beast' Hall
Eddie Hall was born in Stoke-on-Trent in 1988. His athletic career started as a National Championship swimmer and then he turned his attention to the gym at 15. On leaving school, he worked as a truck mechanic until he was 26, when he became a professional Strongman. Eddie has since dedicated his life to becoming the world's strongest man, which he achieved in 2017.

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