Index of Reviews

Reviews, in alphabetical order by author surname, followed by my star rating.
Please click on the book title to be taken to the review.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M 
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - YZ

Dominic Adler
The Saint Jude Rules ★★★☆☆

Marc Alexander
Ghoul ★★★☆☆

Cristina Alger
The Banker's Wife ★★★★★

Richard Allan
The Big Catch ★★☆☆☆

Fred Anderson
Charnel House ★★★★★

M. J. Arlidge
Eeny Meeny ★★★★☆
Pop Goes the Weasel ★★★★☆

Brett Arquette
Operation Hail Storm ★★★★☆

Timothy Ashby
In Shadowland ★★★★☆

Murray Bailey
Secrets of the Dead ★★★★☆
Singapore 52 ★★★★★
Singapore Ghost ★★★★☆
Singapore Killer ★★★★☆
Singapore Fire ★★★★★
Cyprus Kiss ★★★★★
The Killing Crew ★★★★★
The Troodos Secret ★★★★★
Once A Killer ★★★
The Prisoner of Acre ★★★
Singapore Worlds ★★★

Jonathan Ballagh
The Quantum Door ★★★★☆
The Quantum Ghost ★★★★★

Linwood Barclay
Elevator Pitch ★★★★★
No Time For Goodbye ★★★★☆
Find You First ★★★★☆

J.D. Barker
The Fourth Monkey ★★★★★
The Fifth To Die ★★★★★
The Sixth Wicked Child ★★★★★

Gregory Bastianelli
Snowball ★★★★★

Jeremy Bates
Black Canyon ★★★★☆
Box of Bones ★★★★★

Belinda Bauer
Snap ★★☆☆☆

Keri Beevis
The Boat House ★★★★☆

Chantal Bellehumeur
Just.Another.Common.Killer ★☆☆☆☆

Mark M. Bello
Betrayal of Justice ★★★☆☆

Michael Bernhart

Shauna Bickley
The Worst Lie ★★★★☆

Jenny Blackhurst
The Foster Child ★★★★☆

Felix Blackwell
Stolen Tongues ★★★★★

William Peter Blatty
The Exorcist ★★★★☆

Thomas Booker
The Persian Woman ★★★★☆

Clare Boyd
Little Liar ★★★★☆

John Boyne
The House of Special Purpose ★★★★★
The Heart's Invisible Furies ★★★★★
Water ★★★★☆
Earth ★★★★☆
Fire ★★★★★ 

C.L. Brees
An Unsettled Past ★★★☆☆

Dan Brown
Origin ★★★☆☆

Shane M. Brown
Plaza: An Archaeological Thriller ★★★★★

Robert Bryndza
Nine Elms ★★★★☆
The Girl in the Ice ★★★★☆

Kevin Cady
A Solitary Awakening ★★★★★

Helen Callaghan
Everything is Lies ★★★★★
Night Falls, Still Missing ★★★★☆

Louise Candlish
The Heights ★★★☆☆
Our House ★★★★☆

Patrick Canning
Hawthorn Woods ★★★☆☆

C. J. Carmichael
Buried ★★★☆☆

Elisabeth Carpenter
99 Red Balloons ★★★★★

Chris Carter
The Crucifix Killer ★★★★☆
The Executioner ★★★★★
The Night Stalker ★★★★★
The Caller 

Will Carver
Good Samaritans ★★★☆☆

Jane Casey
The Killing Kind ★★★★☆

Steve Cavanagh
The Defence ★★★☆☆
Thirteen ★★★★☆
Twisted ★★★★☆

Gabrielle Charbonnet
Crazy House ★★★★★

Christopher John Chater
Aquarius Rising ★★★☆☆

Kevin Chilvers
Inca Poison ★★★★☆

Julie Clark
The Flight ★★★★☆

Stephen Clark
Citizen Kill ★★★☆☆
Hands Up ★★★☆☆

Lucy Clarke
You Let Me In ★★★★☆
The Castaways ★★★★★

Paul Cleave
The Quiet People 

Daniel Cole
Ragdoll ★★★★★
Hangman ★★★★★
Endgame ★★★★☆

Nicholas Conley
Pale Highway ★★★★☆

C. J. Cooke
A Haunting in the Arctic ★★★★★
The Lighthouse Witches ★★★★★
The Book of Witching ★★★★☆ 

C. J. Cooper
The Book Club 

Catherine Cooper
The Chalet ★★★★☆
The Chateau ★★★☆☆

Glenn Cooper
The Devil Will Come ★★★★★

M. W. Craven
The Puppet Show ★★★★☆
Black Summer ★★★★★
The Curator ★★★★★
Dead Ground ★★★★★
The Botanist ★★★★★
Born in a Burial Gown ★★★★★
Body Breaker ★★★★★

Amy Cross
The Cabin ★★★★★

Blake Crouch
Dark Matter ★★★★☆
Recursion ★★★★★

Tim Curran
Dead Sea ★★★★★
Toxic Shadows ★★★★★

Nick Cutter 
The Deep ★★★★★
The Troop ★★★★☆
The Queen ★★★☆☆

Lucy Dawson
The Daughter ★★★★★

Elizabeth Day
The Party ★★★☆☆

Will Dean
Dark Pines ★★★★☆
The Last Passenger ★★★★★
The Chamber ★★★★☆ 

Bryant Delafosse
The Mall ★★★★☆

JP Delaney
Playing Nice ★★★★☆
The Girl Before ★★★★★

Katerina Diamond
The Heatwave ★★★☆☆

Claire Douglas
Do Not Disturb ★★★★☆
Then She Vanishes ★★★★★
Just Like the Other Girls ★★★★☆
The Couple at No. 9 ★★★★☆

Samantha Downing
My Lovely Wife ★★★★☆

Matt Drabble
The Last Resort ★★★☆☆
The Montague Portrait ★★★★☆

C. J. Dubois
The Tyre ★★★★☆

Bryan Dunn
Thaw ★★★★☆

Jonathan Dunsky
The Dead Sister ★★★☆☆

Daniel Eagleton
The Sweet Oil of Vitriol ★★★☆☆

Mark Edwards
The Devil's Work ★★★★★
The Magpies ★★★★★
The Retreat ★★★★☆
The Lucky Ones ★★★☆☆

Donnie Eichar
Uncle Herbert ★★★★☆

Amy Engel
The Roanoke Girls ★★★★★

S. E. England
Hidden Company ★★★☆☆

Mark R. Faulkner
Picker's Bleed ★★★★☆

Helen Fields
The Shadow Man ★★★★★

A. J. Finn
The Woman in the Window ★★★★★

Andy Fitz
A Wolf Like Me ★★★★☆

Sebastian Fitzek
The Nightwalker ★★★★★

Rebecca Fleet
The House Swap ★★★★☆

Sophie Flynn
What Stays Unsaid ★★★☆ 

Lucy Foley
The Hunting Party ★★★★☆

Tony J Forder
Bad to the Bone ★★★☆☆

Candice Fox
Never Never ★★☆☆☆

Anita Frank
The Lost Ones ★★★★★

Chris Frost
The Killer's Christmas List ★★★★★

Frank Gardner
Outbreak ★★★☆☆

Claire Gem
Spirits of the Heart ★★★★☆

Nina George
The Little French Village of Book Lovers ★★☆☆☆

David Gibbins
Testament ★★★☆☆

Gibbo Gibbs
Killer Domes and the Chosen One ★★★☆☆

Marci Giebels
Legacy ★★★★☆

C.D. Gill
On Wings of an Avalanche ★★★☆☆

A. J. Gnuse
Girl in the Walls ★★★☆☆

Christopher Golden
Ararat ★★★★★

Clayton Graham
Milijun ★★★★★
Silently in the Night ★★★★☆
Saving Paludis ★★★★★
Amidst Alien Stars ★★★★☆

Mary Grand
A Christmas Murder ★★★☆☆

Philip Gray
Two Storm Wood ★★★★☆

Cass Green
In A Cottage In A Wood ★★★★☆

Ed Green
The Girl Who Wanted It All ★★★★★

Morgan Greene
Angel Maker ★★★★★
Rising Tide ★★★★★
Old Blood ★★★★★

Kathryn Meyer Griffith
Dinosaur Lake ★★☆☆☆

Martin Griffin
The Second Stranger ★★★★☆
The Last Visitor ★★★★☆

Colin Griffiths
A Life For A Life ★★★★☆
Underwood ★★★★★

Elly Griffiths
The Stranger Diaries ★★★★☆
The Crossing Places ★★★★☆
The Janus Stone ★★★★☆
The House at Sea's End ★★★★☆
A Room Full of Bones ★★★☆☆
Dying Fall ★★★★☆

K. R. Griffiths
Adrift 2: Sundown ★★★★★

Michael C. Grumley
Breakthrough ★★★★★

Michael R. Hagan
Eddie 'The Beast' Hall
Strongman: My Story ★★★★☆

Lisa Hall
Between You and Me 

Adam Hamdy
Pendulum ★★★★★

Karen Hamilton
The Perfect Girlfriend ★★★★★

Chris Hammer
Scrublands ★★★★★

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds ★★★★★
The Nightingale ★★★★★
Night Road ★★★★★
The Women ★★★★★

K. Hanson
The Azrael Initiative ★★★☆☆

Jane Harper
The Dry ★★★★☆

Gracie Hart
The Chocolate Box Girls ★★★★☆

Mo Hayder
Pig Island ★★★★☆
Birdman ★★★★☆

Samantha Hayes
The Reunion ★★★★☆

John A. Heldt
Indiana Belle ★★★★★

Greer Hendricks
The Wife Between Us ★★★☆☆

Sibel Hodge
The Disappeared 

Paul Holbrook
Memento Mori ★★★★☆

SJI Holliday
Violet ★★★☆☆

Gail Honeyman

Colleen Hoover
Verity ★★★★☆

Cara Hunter
Close to Home ★★★★☆
In the Dark ★★★★★
No Way Out ★★★☆☆

E. C. Huntley
The Tyre ★★★★☆

Andrew Michael Hurley
The Loney ★★★☆☆

Matthew Iden
The Winter Over ★★★☆☆

Eowyn Ivey
The Snow Child ★★★★★

Buzzy Jackson
The Girl with the Red Hair ★★★★★

WD Jackson-Smart
From Inside the House ★★★★★

Ed James
The Hope That Kills ★★★★☆

Hadena James
Tortured Dreams ★★★☆☆

Stuart James
Stranded ★★★★★
The House on Rectory Lane ★★★★★

F.R. Jameson
Certain Danger ★★★★☆
Terror of Breakspear Hall ★★★☆☆
The Nemesis Touch ★★★★☆

Hanna Jameson
The Last ★★★★☆

Jonathan Janz
Children of the Dark ★★★★★
Exorcist Road ★★★★☆

Dinah Jefferies
The Missing Sister ★★★★☆ 

Louise Jensen
The Date ★★★★☆

Lisa Jewell
Watching You ★★★★☆
The Family Upstairs ★★★★★
Then She Was Gone ★★★☆☆

William W. Johnstone
Bats ★★★★☆
Cat's Cradle ★★★☆☆

Lesley Kara
The Rumour ★★★★☆

Alma Katsu
The Deep ★★★☆☆

Mary Beth Keane
Ask Again, Yes ★★★★☆

Ruth Kelly
The Villa ★★★★☆

Claire Kendal
The Second Sister ★★★☆☆

David Kennedy
Costa Brava ★★★★☆

Kevin J. Kennedy
You Only Get One Shot ★★★★☆

J. Robert Kennedy
Depraved Difference ★★★★★

Simon Kernick
The Hanged Man ★★★★☆
Severed ★★★★☆
We Can See You ★★★★☆

Charlie King
The Lyons Orphanage ★★☆☆☆

Robert W Kirby
The Tests ★★★★☆
The Fued on Dead Lane ★★★★☆

JD Kirk
A Litter of Bones ★★★★☆
Thicker Than Water ★★★★☆
The Killing Code ★★★★☆
Blood and Treachery ★★★★☆
The Last Bloody Straw ★★★★☆
A Whisper of Sorrows ★★★★★

Dorothy Koomson
The Ice Cream Girls ★★★★★

Dean Koontz
The Taking ★★☆☆☆
The Silent Corner ★★★★☆

Danya Kukafka
Notes on an Execution ★★★★★

Susan Laffoon
Can't Buy Forever ★★★★☆

Shari Lapena
An Unwanted Guest ★★★★★
The Couple Next Door ★★★★★
A Stranger in the House ★★★☆☆

Chad Lawrence
A Place To Hide ★★★★★
Sanitarium, Sanatorium ★★★★☆

Eric Leland
Inhuman ★★★★☆

Simon Lelic
The House ★★★★★
The Liar's Room ★★★★☆

S. V. Leonard
The Islanders ★★★★☆

Arjay Lewis
The Muse ★★★★★

T.F. Lince
Chris Lindberg
Code of Darkness ★★★★☆
Devil in the Dark ★★★☆☆

Andrew Linke
The Staff of Moses ★★★★☆

Howard Linskey
The Chosen Ones ★★★★★

Amy Lloyd
The Innocent Wife ★★★★★

Sam Lloyd
The People Watcher ★★★★☆ 

Phoebe Locke
The Tall Man ★★★★★

Loren Lockner
Heart of Africa ★★☆☆☆

T.M. Logan
The Holiday ★★★★☆
Trust Me ★★★★☆

J.T. Lomasney
Deep ★★★★☆

Sarah Lotz
The White Road ★★★★★
The Three ★★★☆☆

Rosamund Lupton
Three Hours ★★★☆☆

Kfir Luzzatto
Exodus '95 ★★★★☆

C. A. Lynch
The Traitors ★★★★☆

Matt Lynn
Bad Intentions ★★☆☆☆

Clare Mackintosh
Hostage ★★★★☆

Josh Malerman
Bird Box ★★★★★
Malorie ★★★★★

Andrea Mara
No One Saw a Thing ★★★☆☆

Scott Mariani
The Cassandra Sanction ★★★☆☆
The Forgotten Holocaust ★★★★★
The Mozart Conspiracy ★★★★★

John Marrs
The Passengers ★★★☆☆
The One ★★★☆☆

Carol James Marshall
Starburst (Women of the Grey) ★★★☆☆

Laura Marshall
Friend Request ★★★★☆

Angela Marsons
Silent Scream ★★★★☆
Evil Games ★★★★☆

William Massa
Damnation Code ★★★★☆

Graham Masterton
Death Trance ★★★★☆
House of Bones ★★★★★
Unspeakable ★★★☆☆
The Walkers ★★★★★
Ghost Virus ★★★★☆
The Children God Forgot ★★★★☆
The Shadow People ★★★★★

Bluette Matthey
Engadine Aerie ★★★☆☆
Dalmatian Traffick ★★★☆☆
Homicide Herault ★★★☆☆

Peter May
Lockdown ★★★★☆
A Silent Death ★★★☆☆

Simon Mayo
Knife Edge ★★★★☆

Michael McCloskey
The Trilisk Ruins ★★★★★

Amy McCulloch

Jan McDonald
The Crowsmoor Curse ★★★★★

Chris McGeorge
Guess Who ★★★★★
Now You See Me ★★★★☆
Inside Out ★★★★☆
Half-Past Tomorrow ★★★★★

Laura McHugh
The Weight of Blood ★★★★★

Adrian McKinty
The Chain ★★★★★

Karen McManus
One of Us is Lying ★★★★★

John Meany
In The Fog ★★★☆☆

William Meikle
Samurai ★★★★☆
The Chamber of Tiamat ★★★★☆

Dennis Meredith
Wormholes ★★★★★

J.C. Michael
You Only Get One Shot ★★★★☆

Alex Michaelides
The Silent Patient ★★★★☆
The Maidens ★★★★★
The Fury ★★☆☆

Sue Moorcroft
Under a Summer Skye ★★★★☆

M.J. Moore
Little Treasures ★★★☆☆

Michael J Moore
Highway Twenty ★★★★☆

William Casey Moreton
The Search ★★★☆☆

Phoebe Morgan
The Doll House ★★★★★

Liane Moriarty
The Husband's Secret ★★★☆☆

Sam Mortimer
Screams the Machine ★★★★☆

Anthony Mosawi
Trust No One ★★★★☆

Steve Mosby
I Know Who Did It ★★★★☆

Ben Muse
Killing Chase ★★★★☆

Fiona Neill
The Betrayals ★★★★★

Adam Nevill
The Ritual ★★★★★
House of Small Shadows ★★★★★
The Reddening ★★★☆☆ 

T.J. Newman
Falling ★★★★☆ 

Alex North
The Whisper Man ★★★★★
The Shadow Friend ★★★★★
The Half Burnt House ★★★★☆

Freya North
The Way Back Home ★★★☆☆

Liz Nugent
Lying in Wait ★★★★☆

Sara Ochs
The Dive ★★★★☆

Dawn O'Porter
The Cows ★★★★☆

Beth Orsoff
Game Changer ★★☆☆☆

Richard Osman
The Thursday Murder Club ★★☆☆☆

James Oswald
No Time To Cry ★★★★☆
Natural Causes ★★★★☆
The Book of Souls ★★★★☆
The Hangman's Song ★★★★☆ 

Susan Ottaway

Delia Owens
Where the Crawdads Sing ★★★★★

Jon Padgett
The Secret of Ventriloquism ★★★☆☆

Christopher C. Page
George The Janitor ★★★★☆

Jason Parent
A Life Removed ★★★★★

B A Paris
Bring Me Back ★★★★★
Behind Closed Doors ★★★★☆

Adele Parks
I Invited Her In ★★★★★

James Patterson
Crazy House ★★★★★
Never Never ★★☆☆☆

C. L. Pattison
The Guest Book ★★★★☆

Nell Pattison
Hide ★★★★☆

Michelle Paver
Dark Matter ★★★★★
Thin Air ★★★★☆
Wakenhyrst ★★★★★

Alex Pavesi
Ink Ribbon Red ★★★★☆

Lesley Pearse
Betrayal ★★★★☆

Sarah Pearse
The Sanatorium ★★★★☆

Sarah Pekkanen
The Wife Between Us ★★★☆☆

Robert Penfold
Climate Control ★★★☆☆

Karen Perry
Your Closest Friend ★★★★☆

Sarah Perry
The Essex Serpent 

Helen Phifer
Dark House ★★★★☆

Sarah Pinborough
Cross Her Heart ★★★★☆
Behind Her Eyes ★★★★☆ 

Alex Pine
The Christmas Killer ★★★☆☆
The Killer in the Snow ★★★★★
The Winter Killer ★★★★☆
The Night Before Christmas ★★★☆☆

Clabe Polk
Schism ★★★☆☆

Michael Pronko
The Last Train ★★★★☆
The Moving Blade ★★★★☆

Nita Prose
The Maid ★★★☆☆

Robert Pruneda
Locust ★★★★☆

Vasily Pugh
Basically Frightened ★★★☆☆

Emma Pullar
Paper Dolls ★★★☆☆

Laura Purcell
The Silent Companions ★★★★☆


Betsy Reavley
Murder at the Book Club ★★★☆☆

Iveta Rēdliha 
The Steps ★★★★☆

Katy Regnery
Frosted ★★★★☆

Taylor Jenkins Reid
Daisy Jones & The Six ★★★★☆
Malibu Rising ★★★★★

Jason Rekulak
Hidden Pictures ★★★★★

Ana Reyes
The House in the Pines ★★★★★

Allie Reynolds
Shiver ★★★★★

Rachel Rhys
Dangerous Crossing ★★★★☆ 

Douglas E. Richards
Quantum Lens ★★★☆☆

Michelle Richmond
The Marriage Pact ★★★★★

Lloyd F. Ritchey
The Kellsburg Vampire ★★★★☆

Aline Riva
The Body in the Wall ★★☆☆☆

Peter Robinson
Gallows View ★★★☆☆

Bill Rogers

Stephen Ronson
The Last Line ★★★★☆
The Berlin Agent ★★★★☆

Michelle Sacks
The Dark Path ★★★★☆

Richard Schiver
Cursed ★★★☆☆

Brian Sellars
Tuppenny Hat Detective ★★☆☆☆

Dominic Selwood
The Apocalypse Fire ★★★★★

Robert J. Serling
Something's Alive on the Titanic ★★★★☆

Tina Seskis
The Honeymoon ★★★★★

Lokesh Sharma & Anubhav Sharma
Halfway (Aspiration for Deliverance) ★★★★☆

Hunter Shea
The Jersey Devil ★★★★☆
Just Add Water ★★★★☆
Optical Delusion ★★★★★
Money Back Guarantee ★★★★☆

Demetrius Sherman
Dark Hunger ★★★☆☆

A.M. Shine
The Watchers ★★★★★
Stay in the Light 

Adam J. Simpson
Revenants Awake ★★★★☆

Eddie Skelson
Winter Falls ★★★★☆

Robert Skuce
Kiss Of Death ★★★☆☆

David Slater-Hayselden
Silent Disaster ★★★☆☆

Steve Smith
Better To Die ★★★★☆

L. D. Smithson
The Escape Room ★★★★★

Jo Spain
The Confession ★★★★☆

Avan Judd Stallard

Catherine Steadman
Something in the Water ★★★☆☆

M. L. Stedman
The Light Between Oceans ★★★★★

Lee Stevens
Numb ★★★★★

Craig Stewart
Worship Me ★★★☆☆

Brhi Stokes
Caligation ★★★★☆

Peter Straub
Ghost Story ★★★★★

C.L. Taylor
The Accident ★★★★☆
Her Last Holiday ★★★★☆
Every Move You Make ★★★★☆

Robert E. Taylor
A Breath of Hope ★★★★★

Jo Thomas
Sean-Paul Thomas
The Letter ★★★★☆

Robert Thorogood
The Marlow Murder Club ★★★★☆

Simon Thould
Dark Water ★★★☆☆

Marie Tierney
Deadly Animals ★★★★☆

Tim Tigner
Flash ★★★★☆

Kit Tinsley
Beneath ★★★★★

S. K. Tremayne
Just Before I Died ★★★★☆
The Ice Twins ★★★★☆ 

Paul Tremblay
Survivor Song ★★★☆☆
The Cabin at the End of the World ★★★☆☆

C. J. Tudor
The Chalk Man ★★★★☆
The Burning Girls ★★★★★
The Other People ★★★★★
The Drift ★★★★★
The Gathering ★★★★★

Antonio Urias
The Alchemist in the Attic ★★★☆☆

Luca Veste
The Six ★★★★☆

Bob Waldner
The Prophet of Marathon ★★★★★

B P Walter
The Garden Party ★★★☆☆

Cameron Ward
Spiral ★★★★☆

Ruth Ware
The Woman in Cabin 10 ★★★★☆
One by One ★★★★☆
The Turn of the Key ★★★★☆

Jeffrey Warren
Justifiable Homicide ★★★★★
Virtual Privacy ★★★★☆
Fifteen, Back When ★★★★☆
Tim Weaver
Chasing the Dead ★★★★★
You Were Gone ★★★★★
No One Home ★★★★★
Missing Pieces ★★★★☆
The Missing Family ★★★★★ 

Jamie Webb
Death Row ★★★★★

Weston Westmoreland
Dawn: Freedom Takes Fight ★★★★☆

Chris Whitaker
We Begin at the End ★★★★★

David Whitehead
The Fluttering ★★★★☆

Christopher Wilsher
Greg Wilson
Murder In Paradise ★★★★☆

C.J. Wilton
90 Seconds from Sanity ★★★★★

Ian Wingrove ★★★☆☆

Alice Winn
In Memoriam ★★★★☆

Andy Wiseman
Harry's Justice ★★★★★
Harry's Revenge ★★★★☆

Richard L. Wiseman
The Assassin Flaw ★★★☆☆

T.J. & M.L. Wolf
A Gleam of Light ★★★☆☆

David Wood
Dourado ★★★★☆

Iain Rob Wright
The Final Winter ★★★☆☆
The Picture Frame ★★★☆☆



Elias Zanbaka
Environmentally Friendly ★★★★☆